Team Manager 2 Workshop – Wednesday 29th May 2019

Book your place on our Team Manager Module 2 Workshop in May

Team Manager 2 training is designed to ensure any volunteers who are taking groups of athletes to competitions or camps, locally or abroad, are fully equipped to do their role. Ensuring athletes arrive and return from sporting activities unharmed is a big responsibility and this training will ensure volunteers have all the necessary skills and knowledge to do this with confidence.

This workshop is free of charge.

Minimum age to attend workshop is 16 years old, although it should be noted that an individual cannot take the role of a Team Manager fully until they turn 18.

Date: Wednesday 29th May 2019

Time: 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Venue: St Barnabas Church Centre, High Street, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 6SY

Click here to view our flyer and booking details

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