Shropshire ASA Open Water Development Weekend 6th / 7th June 2020


Open Water Development Weekend 6th/7th June 2020

This Development weekend will contain indoor training at Ellesmere College (6th), and outdoor training at Alderford Lake, Whitchurch, Shropshire (7th).

Applications are welcome from Shropshire Swimmers, but we will accept applications from outside the county, if we do not meet the required number.

We would be happy for any COACH who may wish to learn more about Open Water Swimming to come and see what it is all about.

There is an opportunity for any official who might be interested in training to be an Open Water Official to sign up to do the JUDGE LEVEL 1 COURSE that will take place on Sunday 7th June 2020.  There will also be a JUDGE LEVEL 2 COURSE at the same time.

Open Water FLYER

Applications can be found HERE 

Applications to the contact below, and also if you require any further information.

JEAN CHILDS  –  [email protected]

07876 596043

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