Launched! Safeguarding CPD

Safeguarding CPD offers help, advice and support

Swim England’s new CPD provides an insight into safeguarding issues, how to deal with those concerns and how to access support and advice.

Launched on the 6th April, the course has been developed in collaboration between the National Governing Body’s Child Safeguarding, Qualifications and Educator Training teams.

Importantly at this time, the CPD is available as an online webinar, led by tutors, allowing participants in various locations to be guided through the course content.

The course reflects Wavepower, Swim England’s recently updated child safeguarding policy and procedures publication. This ensures that learners gain a real understanding of policy, advice and guidance relevant to our sports.

It is also an integral part of Swim England’s ongoing Stronger Affiliation process, which introduces new measures for affiliated clubs aimed at ensuring the safety of Swim England members.

Dates & Times:

To find all the dates and times click here.

How to book:

Book onto your online webinar for the Swim England Safeguarding CPD here.


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