The Swimathon Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund

In a difficult environment for the swimming and aquatics community, many public swimming facilities are unavailable for use. As a response to this, the Swimathon Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund has been set up by the Swimathon Foundation, the charity that owns Swimathon, Open Water Swimathon, School Swimathon and Marathon Swims.

The Fund will offer a limited number of grants to support small organisations working in the swimming and aquatics community in the UK, so that they can continue to operate during and after these especially difficult times. Information and criteria for organisations wishing to apply can be found here.

If you are part of a small swimming or aquatics organisation, or know anyone that is, then please use or share the link above. The Swimathon Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund may be able to provide financial support in testing times.

Find out more here 

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