Lockdown Heroes

Lockdown for all of us in the world of aquatics has been tough. The past eight months have been stressful for many individuals and clubs, but we would like to recognise the incredible efforts of our volunteers across the sport who support one another – in so many ways by opening up nominations for our lockdown heroes.

Badges will be awarded to say thank you for the time and effort you have put in during lockdown.

  • Each club can nominate up to FOUR members from their club
  • The club must be SwimMark affiliated
  • Badges will be given to the first 50 clubs who have nominated
  • Deadline for nominations is 4pm on Monday 30th November. Late nominations will not be accepted

Please use this link to nominate your lockdown hero: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WMHeroes 

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