2020 Recap Newsletter

Welcome to our 2020 newsletter, please click here to read -> Newsletter

It’s certain to say that 2020 was a strange year, but one that proved extremely productive for the West Midland’s Region in continuing support to our clubs and members.

What’s Next –

Although 2020 has been a year of new challenges and unexpected obstacles we feel so proud of all our members coming together and supporting one another. We have engaged more than ever with our clubs and we hope it will continue this in 2021. At the moment the main work areas for 2021 are:

  • 1:1 club support – via calls, texts, emails, Zoom etc.
  • Coach & teacher courses,
  • Covid Guidance,
  • Funding & Grants,
  • Monthly Forums continued – Club, Coach and Covid Forums,
  • Officials support/training,
  • Regional Camps across all the disciplines,
  • SwimMark support,
  • Supporting clubs returning to the water,
  • Volunteer Coordinators Project,
  • Volunteer workshops & training – please see an up to date list of the upcoming workshops here
  • Weekly updates,
  • Young Volunteers Programme.

Thank you for your ongoing support, we have really enjoyed engaging with you all more closely over this past year.

Need more support?