AGM Date Change & New Director Sought

Due to the work commitments of the Chairman we have had to move the Regional Annual General Meeting to Saturday 14th May starting at 9.30am, the meeting will still be held online via Zoom. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Our elected Director, Pam Davies, has decided to step down from her role as a Director of West Midlands Swimming, we would like to take a moment to thank Pam for her dedication and hard work over her many years of volunteering. As she is leaving part way through her term in office, the Board have a responsibility to appoint a replacement, we are therefore seeking a new board member who has particular expertise in finance. The role will be to shadow our current Finance Director, as well as contribute to the overall work of the Regional Board. Please can any interested parties send their CV and a covering letter of no more than 100 words to [email protected] by the 22nd April.

Should you have any questions regarding the above please feel free to contact the Region at [email protected]

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