Inspired To Try

Inspired to Try

To coincide with the Commonwealth Games, we have just launched our Inspired to Try campaign to get as many people into aquatic sports as possible. If you want to try a new challenge or encourage someone to try something new, take a look at the options – Swimming, Diving, Artistic Swimming, Water Polo, Open Water, Masters, Para-Swimming:


Street Games – unique paid teaching opportunity linked to the CWG B2022

Street Games work with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, from all over the county, who likely don’t have a high level of swimming ability, and they are hosting a Commonwealth Games camp at Blackwell Guide camp, Bromsgrove and Swim England are looking to partner with them to deliver some swim safe and water safety sessions to the young people in attendance. The groups will be teenagers, there will be 12 young people per group and each session will be roughly 40 minutes long. There will be up to 200 – 300 young people at the camp in total, and they are running 4 one day camps across the CWG period. We are looking for a Level 2 qualified swim teacher to deliver these sessions, across 4 days, this will be paid work and the dates are flexible across the CWG period, dependent on swimming teacher availability. Swim England will offer training to any individual interested, in swim safe messaging and what would be required to deliver ahead of the delivery at the camp. If you are a level 2 swim teacher and would be interested in this unique and exciting opportunity, please get in touch with [email protected] for further details. This is a tight turn around so please get in touch as soon as possible. Please can we ask all clubs to share far and wide to your swim teachers, particularly those in the Worcester County / Bromsgrove area.


Making the most of major sports events

2022 is a big year for sport. Take a look at the new Club Matters guide on ‘Making the most of major sports events’ to see how your club or group can benefit and get involved? Club Matters, Making the most of major sports events (


Inspired to Try Diving

If you enjoy heights, an adrenaline rush and want to learn tricks and be flexible, then diving is for you. The Inspired to Try sessions are for children under 16 that would like a free taster session in diving. Participants must be able to swim unaided without goggles for 25m.

There are two venues which will host the Inspired to Try diving sessions:

  • Wyndley Leisure Centre, Sutton Coldfield – Tuesday 9th August – 09:00-16:00

Sessions for those with disabilities or learning difficulty are available:

  • Wyndley Leisure Centre, Sutton Coldfield – Tuesday 9th August – 11:00-11:30, 11:30-12:00, 15:00-15:30 & 15:30-16:00

Please use this link to sign up to the sessions:


Your Commonwealth Games club toolkit is here!

Our Inspired to Try 2022 campaign is here and aims to inspire the next generation of athletes into clubs across the country. Download the assets along with our useful step-by-step guide which will talk you through how to make the most of the toolkit: In the coming days there will be some extra videos and marketing assets added for clubs that deliver the Swim England Learn to Swim Programme. Make sure to share your good luck messages to our athletes through your social media channels and we will reshare them! Make sure you tag the Region account and the National account and use the hashtag #Birmingham2022


Free Inspired to Try taster sessions aim to discover next generation of para-swimmers

Clubs across the country are hosting free taster sessions to help discover the next generation of para-swimmers as part of the Commonwealth Games Inspired to Try campaign. The sessions will be hosted by 12 clubs throughout July and August and aim to get disabled youngsters more active in the water. Places can now be booked on the sessions which are for youngsters aged between six and 17 years old with physical and sensory impairments. Book on the Inspired to Try para-swimming taster sessions here:


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