Sarah Barrow, West Midlands Diving Development Officer, at the Commonwealth Games

Pictured above is Sarah Barrow, Olympian and West Midlands Diving Development Officer, who was selected to be part of the Technical Officials Team to Judge Diving at the Commonwealth Games. Sarah shared her experience with us:

“I am fairly new to International Judging for FINA, my first was in 2019 and this was only my second time. I had lots of fun with really great people and I am looking forward to being at more events in the future.

“Having dived for 15 years and still very much involved in the sport, means I watch a lot of diving which is integral to judging it. I was nervous, I know how it feels to see a lower score on the board than the other judges and you need to be conscious and alert that the dive is awarded what it deserves. It was great to see a lot of very good dives, the standard is rising again in diving and it’s a fun environment to be in when the divers show that.”

Inspired to Try?

The Inspire to Try session is a part of the West Midlands Diving strategy which looks to unearth the future International Diving medallists. The sessions are for children under 16 that would like a free taster session in diving. Sarah is in the planning stages of organising another ‘Inspired to Try’ session after the success of her sessions at Tudor Grange Leisure Centre and Wyndley Leisure Centre. The next session will be held at The Quarry, Shrewsbury with the date to be confirmed. Sign up here

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