Chair and Trustee recruitment at Moseley Road Baths

Moseley Road Baths are looking for people to join their team of trustees to bring new skills and a fresh approach. They’re also hoping to recruit a new chair of the board of trustees.

Moseley Road Baths CIO has now been operating for two years. Before Covid19 Moseley Road Baths was starting to emerge from initial challenges with a strong business model to thrive; and even in the light of Covid19 the community and funding support around MRB means they are well placed to pull through these difficult years and emerge as a successful community pool and heritage venue.


Moseley Road Baths CIO are looking for a new Chair of Trustees to lead their exciting community swimming venture into its third year & beyond, as part of the restoration of this much loved & highly significant heritage baths. This will be someone who shares their passion for and active commitment to MRB, with the time to plan and lead their monthly meetings, liaise with managers and guide subgroup activity in between meetings.


They are also recruiting one or two new trustees to join the board, particularly seeking skills around property management, legal and contractual expertise and local area knowledge. They are looking for people who share their passion for and active commitment to MRB with the time to participate in our monthly meetings, as well as subgroup activity.

For more information on both roles please see here – Chair & Trustee Recruitment


If you’re interested in either post, please read the job description and person specifications here, and then send a CV and covering letter to the current chair [email protected] by the closing date of 18th October. If you’d like a more informal chat before deciding whether to apply, Karen would be happy to hear from you.


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