Coach & Teacher Educucation Workshop Opportunities – September 2019

Coach & Teacher Education Opportunities – Saturday 7th September 2019

West Bromwich Leisure Centre, Moore Street, West Bromwich B70 7AZ
Aimed at: All qualified teachers and coaches. Minimum Level 1.
Bookings close 16th August 2019 – Bookings only accepted when payment is made.

The Programme includes:

11:30am – 1:00pm
Psychology Workshop – Led by Erin Prior

Optimising Performance Under Pressure: An Introduction to Mental Skills and Sports Psychology
This workshop will cover key mental skills that enable athletes to perform under pressure.
Erin is trainee Sport & Exercise Psychologist whose role is to support athletes to enhance their mindset and their approach towards training and competition, to enable them to perform at their best. Erin works with a range of athletes, coaches and parents to support them in optimising their mindset. Erin also draws upon her own experience as a former international archer to best support athletes.

1:30pm – 4:30pm
Nutrition Workshop – Led by Andrew Shepherd

Male & Female Athlete Recap Swimmer
Fuel for the Work Required
Supplement Safety
Race Day Good Practice
Andrew Shepherd (Zonal Nutrition – North) is a Sport and Exercise Nutritionist whose role is to help athletes improve their nutrition habits, technique and processes enabling them to perform at their best.

Book early to avoid disappointment!

To book your place, click on the link below

Free water bottle for every attendee
Cost: £5 per person per workshop
£7.50 for both workshops
Places are open to all Swim England registered coaches and teachers

Click here to view the flyer – Flyer

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