Swim England Coaching Policy

As a result of some feedback and comments received the updated Coaching Policy has undergone a few minor revisions. The main changes have been in terms of some of the language used and some additional / updated content has been confirmed with operators and other partners, better clarity over the use of teachers and the expectations of them when covering an absence, essentially referring back to delivering within the scope of their qualification, referencing the Safe Supervision document when considering coaches that also provide session safety cover and the expected levels of coaches at competition. These changes should give greater clarity and support to current club situations. A comprehensive FAQ document has also been produced to work alongside the policy and enable clubs to better understand the expectations placed on them.

A feedback form has been developed to capture any issues that clubs may have with being compliant with the Coaching Policy, if your club has faced any issues it would be really helpful if you could please complete the following form: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Coachingpolicy Please note this is a nationally lead survey.

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