Following the end of Bernard Simkin’s term as a Member Nominated Board Director on the Swim England Board, the opportunity has arisen for a new Member-Nominated Director to be appointed to the Swim England Board. (role description below).
Each Regional Management Board can propose one candidate for election for this role (but does not need to do so). The nominee’s will then be put forwards to the Member’s Forum for a vote. Note that Regions which already have a Member-Nominated Director (East, North East and North West) cannot nominate a candidate.
To ensure a fair, open and transparent process, we are opening the application process to our regional membership, to seek nominations for this position, using the role description below, and inviting nominees wishing to put themselves forward to submit the following:
1. A relevant CV
2. A short (max 300 words) description of how they meet the role description and in particular how they will contribute to the strategic direction and leadership of the sport and support the Board’s knowledge and understanding of aquatic sports and its membership.
The region will form a Nominations Committee to review the applications received and make a recommendation to the Swim England West Midlands Regional Board as to who the nominated candidate should be. The Vice Chair, on behalf of the Regional Board, will then notify Swim England of their candidate.
The deadline to receive applications is 5pm on Monday 17th February, 2025.
Please send applications to [email protected] by the deadline outlined above.
The chosen candidate to be nominated on behalf of the region will be communicated to Swim England by Monday 3rd March.
Charlotte Osborne – Regional Board Director
On behalf of the Swim England West Midlands Regional Management Board