SwimMark & Stronger Affiliation Workshops


Helen Weeks, Swim England Club Governance & Standards Manager, will be running an information session for any new SwimMark Coordinators, the session will cover the SwimMark Portal and guidance on completing the necessary documents for SwimMark and Stronger Affiliation. The session will take place on Tuesday 2nd November 6.00-7.00pm. Please can anyone who is interested in attending email [email protected] The Joining instructions will be sent on Friday 29th October, please contact the aforementioned email address if you require any further information.

Regional workshops:

Club Personnel Report (OMS):

The webinar will cover:

  • Key things to consider
  • Club Administrator area – who can do what
  • Club Personnel Record – editing, adding and removing roles
  • Downloading of the Club Personnel Record and Report

This webinar is around 60 mins long dependent on questions, this will be a live run through of a test club’s OMS rather than a PowerPoint.

Dates, times and booking links:

Thursday 11th November at 6pm – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CPR1111

Wednesday 24th November at 5.30pm – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CPR2411

SwimMark & Stronger Affiliation Workshop:

What the workshop will cover:

  • Accreditation types
  • Element Overview
  • Regional Deadlines
  • The SwimMark Portal
  • Stronger Affiliation & Health Check Elements
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Reminders
  • Any questions you may have

Dates, times and booking links:

Thursday 11th November at 7pm – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SWIMMARK1

Wednesday 24th November at 6.30pm – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SWIMMARK2

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