Two new Life members of Swim England West Midlands

At the recent Swim England – West Midlands Annual General Meeting the members were unanimous in recognising two long standing members into life membership of the region.

Michael Beard

Mike Beard was president of the ASA in the year 2000 and is still a trustee of the ASA becoming a member of the ASA committee in 1991 and contributed nationally and became one of its longest serving members at the time and is highly regarded nationally.

However, he started his involvement in swimming as a committee member and treasurer of Stourbridge SC where he had played water polo and when he got married and moved to Solihull. He was given Life membership of Stourbridge. Soon he was to be on the committee of Solihull SC and became chair in 1998 to the present day. He also coaches water polo.

What matters, of course, when awarding the honour of regional life membership is his contribution to the West Midlands Region and the Midland District before that. He became the treasurer of the Midland District in 1977 and is still treasurer of the West Midland Region to this day, 43 years later. This position is one of the key roles in the region and his dedication, knowledge and experience has been so valuable to the West Midlands and the regional board.

Mike is a very modest person but when he speaks everyone listens as it is always considered and insightful. It was without hesitation that we should recognise his outstanding contribution and dedication to the sport in the West Midlands in this way.

Peter Holmes

Peter became a member of Wolverhampton Swimming Club in 1946 and is still actively involved as a Life member. After distinguished participation in Swimming and Water Polo, Peter’s interest turned to administration, education, instruction and officiating.

Elected to Staffordshire ASA Executive in 1961, Peter has been President on two separate occasions. A life member here too. At District and Regional level Peter was elected President in 1981 and has served as a member of numerous other Committees including considerable involvement at National level.

Peter has officiated as a timekeeper, starter, judge and referee at Regional, National and International level, besides writing and examining courses at all levels.

His dedication, commitment, integrity and unbiased judgement has won him much respect and many friends over the years. His happy countenance and jovial demeanour is immediately recognised in pools throughout the country.

This latest recognition is just reward for his patent love of swimming and dedication to the sport at an almost unparalleled level.

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