West Midlands Coaches Technical Panel

We are thrilled to share the exciting news of the West Midlands Coaches Technical Panel’s official launch! The group shall operate as a consultative group to discuss current issues, enabling coaches to have a voice within the Region and have a channel to influence our programmes, pathways and development activities.

We invite all interested individuals to submit their applications via the survey detailed below.
We ask that you please answer all questions truthfully and to the best of your ability. We aim to have a diverse range of coaches that can appropriately represent the broad range of clubs with in the Region, reflective of the whole pathway; from Learn To Swim through to performance. 
If you would like to explore this opportunity but have limited experience, or, you would like to have an informal chat with us before you submit an application please contact Regional Operations Manager, Amanda Swan; [email protected] / 07800 647745, who would welcome a conversation.
Application deadline: Sunday 19th November 2023. 
Your application will be reviewed, in line with the published terms of reference. Please make yourself familiar with the terms of reference before applying to this position, so you understand the concept of the panel and what we are trying to achieve. We will inform you if you have been successful with your application in due course.

Apply here

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