Swim England West Midlands Regional Conference

Swim England West Midlands Regional Conference will be taking place on Saturday 7th March time 9am – 5pm.

The Venue – The Alan Higgs Centre – Allard Way, Coventry CV3 1HW

The region will be hosting this conference in conjunction with Swim England Talent, Volunteering Teams,
Specialist Sports Staff and Coaches.

Please save the date in your diaries and join us – we hope to see as many of you there as possible, it’s a great opportunity for continual professional development, networking and a chance to see the new Coventry pool!

Our Regional Conference is aimed at:
Club Volunteer workforce
County and Club committee members
Welfare officers & new welfare officers

The agenda will include a focus on:

British competitive swimmer Max Litchfield will be attending the conference and supporting England Talents Athlete Transition through the Daily Training Environment Pathway  workshop.

For more information please see our flyer here.

To book your place please click here.

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