Club Guidance Information

Please see here a one-page information sheet on the role of the Covid Lead to include some of the expectations that clubs may have of the role going into competitions when they resume.

In preparation for the next step of the Road Map in May and the anticipated change to the guidance to include indoor organised club activity for Over 18’s, subject to any Government update, Helen Weeks, Club Governance and Standards Manager, will be hosting three Club Guidance sessions for clubs to attend if they wish to ask questions or seek clarification on what any change will mean to them. Please use the link below to register onto any of the sessions:

Further to the Return to Competition webinar last week for event organisers, Swim England have published the FAQs, webinar PowerPoint slides and accompanying webinar recording. Useful Return to Competition resources and further information can be found by clicking on any of the items listed below:

Return to Competition Guidance document (published 13 April)

FAQs (The webinar PowerPoint slides and webinar recording downloads are within the Answer to the first Question)

Return to Competition Health Declaration Form

Licensed Meets – updated Level 4 Single Club Meet Application Form and all other licensing useful information and documents

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